!Hola! I’m Susy Dorn and I am a teacher, preschool director, singer-songwriter, puppeteer and founder of Let’s Play/Sing in Spanish. I am originally from Peru and I’ve had the privilege of teaching and entertaining young children in the San Francisco Bay Area for more than 20 years. I believe early childhood is the best time for children to learn a second language, and they thrive when learning is fun, musical and interactive.
Let’s Play in Spanish first began classes in 2000 in my friend’s home. Over time, this small classroom grew into a creative and inspiring Spanish learning program. I am grateful to have found this amazing way to bring together my degree in Child Development Education, love of children, and experience in music and theatre to create interactive Spanish immersion programs for toddlers, pre-school, kindergarten and elementary school age children. Today, “Let’s Play” has touched the lives of thousands of children and their parents.
We have devoted ourselves to making Let’s Play in Spanish available to as many children as we can reach. We strongly feel that all children deserve the opportunity to learn another language when they are young. We hope that we can help them develop an appreciation for other cultures and traditions, as well as a respect for the values that unite us all.
Over the years, I have created CDs, DVDs, and companion books. I’m so happy to be able to share them with you in this new format online.
¡Juguemos, siempre juguemos! ¡Cantemos, siempre Cantemos!
(Let’s play, let’s always play!) (Let’s sing, let’s always sing!)
Susy Dorn